High levels of Pseudomonas spp in stool are common both in stool or biopsies of IBS patients. Pseudomonas aeruginosa has distinct but treatable properties
Creatine metabolism is critical for proper brain connectivity in autism spectrum disorders​
Abdominal bloating could be the result of many causes. Find 7 very specific ones
Viral and bacterial gastroenteritis differ in many ways, and should be treated differentrly, based on the specific type of bacteria or virus.
SIBO emerges in almost 80% of patients undergoing gallbladder removal resulting in intestinal bloating and other digestive issues
Symptoms of IBS in men may differ due to the diferrences in the pelvic region and the presence of prostate
C-section may increase your infant’s risk of developing allergies and asthma! How a baby’s birth method can shape their health
Breastfeeding and formula feeding affect the gut microbiota of the infant differently. Discover how breast milk fosters a healthy gut for life.
Forget the classic types of irritable bowel syndrome (IBS-D, IBS-C, and IBS-M). Learn about IBSyncrasy. YOUR type of IBS.
You tried low-FODMAP for post-infectious IBS (PI-IBS) but didn’t work. Personalized diet addresses unique risk factors, relieving infectious irritable bowel
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