Digestive Disorders

The GI system is a chaotic, interconnected network comprising the microbiome, enteric nervous system, musculature, mucosal surfaces, and vessels, among other components. These components collectively contribute to the development and progression of various digestive diseases, such as GERD, celiac disease, inflammatory bowel disease, irritable bowel syndrome, gallstones, and hemorrhoids. Assessing various subfields of gastroenterology, including neurogastroenterology, bile biochemistry, postbiotic metabolism, immunogastroenterology, hormonal imbalances, and the microbiome, is crucial for accurately diagnosing and treating chronic digestive disorders.

As gastrointestinal diseases may present similar symptoms, a thorough assessment of the complex interplay between the different components of the GI tract, from the mouth to the anus, is vital for accurate diagnosis and the selection of the most effective treatment options

A picture of a GI system among healthy foods
Commonly overlooked digestive disorder parameters​
Neurogastroenterology studies the relationship between the nervous system and the gastrointestinal tract. The intestinal tube, with the largest surface area controlled by neurons, is significantly influenced by the vagus nerve. This nerve, being the largest in the human body, affects bowel movements, the function of the stomach, small intestine, and colon, and plays a crucial role in chronic digestive disorders from the esophagus to the anus
bile biochemistry
Bile, which is produced by the liver and stored in the gallbladder, is an essential substance for the emulsification and absorption of lipids. Furthermore, it acts as a hormone, neurotransmitter, and even cancer mediator, making it a vital element in understanding persistent problems of the digestive tract like diarrhea,  gallstones and GERD
Postbiotic metabolism
postbiotic metabolism
Postbiotics are essential products derived from bacterial or fungal metabolism in the large intestine that humans cannot synthesize. Butyrate, for example, is a by-product of fiber fermentation and serves critical functions within the digestive system. Understanding postbiotic metabolism can help address digestive problems and improve overall digestion
Mucosal immunity is the barrier between the external and internal environments of our bodies. When compromised, it leaves the body vulnerable to a range of gastrointestinal disorders, including irritable bowel syndrome, inflammatory bowel disease, celiac disease and less common digestive disorders. Key components such as secretory immunoglobulin A, bacterial-derived defensins, and adhesion proteins play a role in maintaining the health of the gastrointestinal tract
hormonal imbalances
Visceral hypersensitivity, estrogen and progesterone control, thyroid regulation, and signaling from the pancreas can significantly influence GI function. Hormonal imbalances can lead to digestive symptoms like heartburn, constipation and residual feeling further emphasizing the connection between hormones, stress, and gastrointestinal health
The microbiome, now recognized as an endocrine organ, houses ten times more genes than humans do. Depending on the circumstances, these genes can either be beneficial or harmful to the body, affecting all digestive symptoms. Quantitative stool tests can help us diagnose microbiome imbalances and their influence on gut function
Other Applications
Innate, adaptive passive and humoral…. All kinds of molecules and cells interact to form the most complex system in nature. Even two identical immune responses may give different disease phenotypes
Infants, toddlers and teenagers have distinct metabolic features making their biochemistry unique in every way. Constant hormone fluctuations and evolving developmental stages should always be taken into account
Nausea, fatigue, migrating pain, symptoms that fluctuate according to the time of the day. All sorts of peculiar symptoms originate from a disorganized biochemical system
From conception until puberty there are constant dynamic interactions happening between our central nervous system and the environment, building and remodeling our perception of the world