Take the Quiz

The following questions will help our scientific team categorize your symptoms to a specific IBSyncrasy. Thereinafter you will receive a non-automated email, reviewed by our team with specific suggestions and steps to resolve your IBS

Basic Demographics
Which is your gender?*
IBS is different between men and women
Which is your age?*
Where do you live? *
Important for your gut ecology
Are you menopausal?*
Hormones translate symptoms differently
How old were you when your period stopped?*
Basic Symptoms
Which is (are) your primary symptom(s)*
The current and most important one(s)
Is your pain postprandial?*
More symptoms*
How long have you been suffering from your symptoms*
In any form
Is there a temporal variation of your symptoms*
Does the time of day/week/month/year affect the symptoms?
Please give some details*
e.g. worsening 30 minutes after meals or during weekends
Does any of the following relieves your symptom?*
Please give some details*
e.g. taking a nap but not always, anyway
Does any of the following worsen your symptom?*
Choose carefully
What other?*
be as specific as you can
Do your symptoms wake you up at night?*
Basic Triggers
Was there a trigger of your symptoms?*
Sudden onset
What was it?*
Can you be more specific*
When, where etc...
What kind of surgery*
Add some extra detail
Can you be more specific*
When, where etc...
What kind of infection*
Add some extra detail
What kind of treatment*
Add some extra detail
Can you be more specific*
When, where etc...
Can you be more specific*
When, where etc...
Please explain*
What was it?*
Can you be more specific*
When, where etc...
What kind of surgery*
Add some extra detail
Can you be more specific*
When, where etc...
What kind of infection*
Add some extra detail
What kind of treatment*
Add some extra detail
Can you be more specific*
When, where etc...
Can you be more specific*
When, where etc...
Please explain*
In that case, please provide some extra details*
Basic Toilet
You visit the toilet daily?*
How many times per day?*
How many times per week?*
Describe your routine*
Laxatives, time in toilet etc
Stool consistency*
The most frequent one
Do you experience residual feeling after you finish?*
How long does it last?*
Describe in hours
Do you experience symptoms after meals?*
How many time after eating?*
Food particles on food?*
What kind of food?*
Blood or mucus on stool?*
Give more details*
Frequency, severity, triggers etc...
Itchy feeling after defecation?*
Are there lipid droplets floating on toilet water?*
How long has this been happening?*
Do you pass a lot of gas?*
Are they smelly?*
Which food makes gas smellier?*
Do you feel fatigue after defecation?*
Personal Information
First Name*
Last Name*
I need your email to send you the results